
If you're experiencing a psychiatric emergency and you're in Travis County, you can contact Integral Care at (512) 472-4357.
Crisis Text Line provides free, 24/7 crisis support via text. Text TX to 741741 to connect.
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline or "988" connects people to counselors for emotional support. The hotline will send help to your location if they determine you're in immanent danger.
Article: Anti-Dopamine Parenting (navigating screens and sweets)
Teri Sperry at AltEd Austin is a knowledgeable educational consultant that helps parents find the right private or alternative school match for their child.
This 4-7-8 breathing practice taught by Dr. Andrew Weil is a simple and effective tool to help manage anxiety.
This website has lots of useful articles on parenting in the midst of stress, creating schedules and structures, navigating how much screen time to allow for kids, etc. Though it is intended as a resource for families and adults managing ADHD, I've found the articles applicable/helpful to most families. 
Resistbot is a digital tool that streamlines communication between you and your elected officials at the state and federal levels. Given how many challenges we face, it can be overwhelming to figure out what to do. Resistbot facilitates one simple yet effective way to make your voice heard.